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Agosto 2016



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por Menina ImPerfeita, Quinta-feira, 04.08.11

Once again, I'm feeling frustated. Today morning, I ended up thinking all the work I've been doing, it will be worth? I really hope, cuz I won't end up getting to July of the next year and I found out, that I fail once again cuz of her. It's really frustating seeing everyone changing and leaving "our city"behing and I keeping there with everyone asking me the same fucking questions, to those I don't want to answer. Sometimes, I just feel like crying, but then I think? Why cry? Is it going to solve anything? Of course not, but at least, I won't feel that frustated, at least I hope. I just wanna go somewhere, doesn't matter where and don't come back, but then I remember, that it would be running away from my problems, AND I WANT TO CHANGE AND THIS TIME, I WON'T RUN AWAY!!! You may win a battle, but you haven't win the war, bitch!!!!

Now, this is personal!!!!




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às 14:33

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